If you have been to one of our pie tastings before, you know you don’t want to miss it!
Our next tasting is going to be this Sunday, August 26th. Since we have a beautiful location in Lihue now we have expanded our pie tasting to include 2 groups! You can sign up for the 10 am or the 2 pm tasting.
What can you expect? This will be a special tasting as we will be trying out many new pie flavors as well as a couple of new product features that we are considering adding to our menu….how does homemade biscuits, quiche or boston cream pie sound to you?
But of course we are all about the pie, so have no fear! We have some amazing pie recipes to test out on you as well!
So…if you can’t wait to join us, stop by our Lihue location or any of our community events this week and reserve your spot! Each spot is only $15. We will be tasting 8-10 new flavors…so be sure to bring your tupperware for leftovers…can’t be letting pie go to waste!
Looking forward to seeing you at the tasting! ….oh yeah…and we only take 10 guests, so don’t delay! 😉
TRS Bakers