Thanksgiving Pie Orders are now Closed

Thanksgiving Pie Orders are now Closed

Much Mahalos for your support with the many many Thanksgiving pie orders you placed with us these last 2 weeks!  We probably accepted more than we should have, but we can’t stand to have anyone miss out.   But…that being said, orders have now closed. ...
Thanksgiving Pie Orders are Open on Kauai!

Thanksgiving Pie Orders are Open on Kauai!

We are ready for you!  Don’t put it off until it is too late!  Get your Thanksgiving pie orders in asap!  You can order online  , or stop in our shop! Being short staffed, like every business is, we will likely need to stop taking orders earlier this year than...
Thanksgiving Pie Orders are now Closed

Thanksgiving At The Right Slice

It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a little over a week away! Most years we are in full prep and prepare mode by now.  This year is a little different. Of course, if you have been following us, you know we have been unable to ship pies during Covid, as...
Thanksgiving Orders are now closed….but have no fear!

Thanksgiving Orders are now closed….but have no fear!

You may have noticed that our online ordering system is closed.  It will remain so until after the Thanksgiving holiday. Our special order deadline has now passed, for Thanksgiving….our ovens are near capacity! But…we would never leave you hanging!  You...
Thanksgiving is upon us

Thanksgiving is upon us

Thanksgiving is only 48 hours away!  Yikes!  My head hurts as I type that sentence!   Our Thanksgiving Special orders are now closed.  Saturday was our deadline.  We graciously allowed Sunday’s orders to come through, and even Monday’s orders.  This...