Pie Pie Pie…

Pie Pie Pie…

We haven’t posted in a while….first we had covid dramas, then all of a sudden Kauai opened back up and we were almost instantly swamped!  Fantastic problem to have! …and so grateful for our amazing customers’ patience as we get in the groove....
A Few Of our Favorite Things…and Pie

A Few Of our Favorite Things…and Pie

We are so excited to announce that our new shopping page, A Few of our Favorite Things, is now up and running! We have been firm supporters of Kauai small businesses for many years, but now we are excited to offer you a selection of Kauai made items shipped right to...
The Pie Struggle is real…

The Pie Struggle is real…

Ok, so maybe that isn’t quite how the saying goes, but it seems appropriate for today. Today I start the end of month financials…the least fun part of my job.  Well, not surprisingly, its an ugly site.  But, we are still here and still keeping our people...
Kauai Gift Boxes coming soon…

Kauai Gift Boxes coming soon…

If you peruse our website on occasion, you will notice some new Kauai made items available on our Favorite Things Area.  We are thrilled to be partnering with many other Kauai small businesses to bring you fun tastes and sites from Kauai. Some of our partners are Fish...
Over 100 Pot Pie Dinners Donated for National Pie Day

Over 100 Pot Pie Dinners Donated for National Pie Day

Much Mahalos to everyone who donated pot pies for our first ever National Pie Day Donation Match.   Together we were able to donate over 100 pot pie meals to the Hawaii Food Bank last week!   We loaded up the van and took them over to the food bank last...