I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I feel in my heart for all of you and your support of not only my pie shop and it’s people, but also the island of Kauai. Much Much Mahalos!
As of today, in the last week alone we have had nearly 100 pot pie meals donated by you, our loving pie family.
We have been able to provide a nice hand made meal to many families who have found themselves suddenly without any source of income at all. This is such a great feeling, to be able to pass on your generosity through our doughy fingers!
While we are still here on a ‘meet up’ basis, we have closed down our store for now….not forever, just for now.
But, we will continue to keep feeding the hungry bellies, as those pot pie donations keep coming in.
Please keep yourselves safe and healthy! A hui hou!
PS…and for those who haven’t gotten their limited edition Kauai small business shirts yet, check out www.givekauaihope.com You can purchase a T-shirt from many of your favorite small businesses here on Kauai, including ours, and $10 from each shirt will go directly to your favorite business! What a great thing that one of our fellow small businesses began to help his neighbors in need! Check it out! More businesses are being added all the time!